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Child Protection and Safeguarding

The Designated Child Protection Officer at Codsall Middle School is Mrs S Deas, the Assistant head. In her absence any information should be passed onto the Deputy Child Protection Officers, Mrs K Reade (Headteacher) and/or Mrs M Davison (Assistant Head Teacher).


Codsall Middle School Office 01902 843177

Mrs Deas

Mrs Reade

Mrs Davison


We care for each individual child as though he/she is our own child. We want the child to be loved and cared for, to grow in self-confidence and self-discipline and also to develop a sense of responsibility. We actively encourage parents to be partners with the school in the education of the children.

Before children start school, parents are invited to informal meeting to get to know the school, and staff and what the children will be learning. Children come into the school on two induction days to experience the routine and what life will be like at CMS, and we there is an opportunity for children to attend a 2-day summer club the first week of the 6 weeks’ holiday to help them feel confident in their transition to our school.

In the first half term parents are invited to talk to a selection of their child’s teachers about how their child is settling in and what progress has been achieved.

At Codsall Middle School children are rewarded and encouraged both privately and publicly for their efforts in all areas of school life, in the form of praise assemblies.

Through dedicated teaching sessions pupils are shown how to keep safe and well and show positive and practical ways of dealing with:

  • Personal safety

  • Hygiene

  • The importance of saying ‘No’

  • E Safety

  • Anti-Bullying

On entering school children are met at the gate by a member of staff. They are supervised during the day and a member of SLT is present on the gate at the end of the day.

When children are in school, the first point of contact is their Head of Year, or their class teacher, form tutor, Mrs Austin, Mrs Steventon, Mrs Deas, Mrs Reade or Mrs Davison, or any member of staff. Your child’s form tutor or any member of teaching staff can be available at the end of the school day or at a mutually convenient time arranged through the school office.

The school works closely with a range of agencies to safeguard all our children. If parents wish to make a referral to First Response in relation to any concerns they have about a child’s welfare they can do so by ringing 0300 111 8007

The Prevent Duty

‘Prevent’ is part of a Government strategy which aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. From 1 July 2015, schools and colleges have a statutory duty under the ‘Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015’ to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’.

Preventing terrorism also means challenging extremist views and intervening to stop people moving from extremist ideas into terrorism. Schools and colleges play an important part in allowing children and young people a safe space to explore their concerns and ideas, and to challenge prejudicial, discriminatory or extremist views. Schools must also ensure that they are promoting fundamental British values within their ethos and curriculum.

Children being drawn into extremism is a safeguarding issue which can also be a ‘child protection’ issue. This matter therefore is specifically referenced with in our school’s main child protection policy.

Channel is a key element of the Prevent Strategy. It is a multi – agency approach to protect people at risk of radicalisation. If any parents have concerns about any individual being radicalised, you should speak to the Prevent Officers. This can be done anonymously and confidentially by using the following contacts 01785 232054, 0800 789321 or

Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support (SCAS)

Phone 0300 111 2007 option 1.

Ideally SCAS want to receive all enquiries by telephone so that they can gather all necessary information in a timely manner and make sure that parental agreement has been obtained from those with parental responsibility unless this places an adult or child at risk of harm.

If you cannot reach them by phone, please make your enquiry online.

For your information before making your enquiry you may wish to check the procedures online website and for a glossary of relevant terminology.

Opening times

  • Monday to Thursday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm

  • Friday 8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Additional links to support you and your family   

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